Journal of Spiritual Health- Reviewers Section
Referee's Guide

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Electronic Arbitration System's Guide

Arbitration or reviewing papers in the Journal of Spiritual Health (JSH) is done electronically. The way of using the journal's electronic arbitration system is presented below. It is appreciated from your kind cooperation in trying to publish a professional magazine deserving the scientific community of our dear homeland.

1- Go to the journal's site: (

2- Login with your username and password to the site (Members login section is at the top, left side of the first page of the site.)

3- Select the "paper judgment section" from the top-page menu (right). Main page / personal page/ user profile/ paper judgment section / message exchange/ users' sing out

4- In the paper judgment section you will observe these three groups of paper: "List of new articles," "incomplete judges" and "approved judgments"

4-1) List of new articles includes articles that have been referred to you for arbitration, but have not been examined yet. Before any of the articles in this section is three buttons respectively to get the paper, to start arbitration and to withdrew from the arbitration.
4-1-1) To receive and read the given article click on the icon.

4-1-2) For performing the paper judgment, click on the Review icon. After filling the judging form, click on the Confirm icon, thus the results of your referees will be sent to the site administrator.
4-1-3) If you do not want to judge a paper, after clicking the Cancel, in the new page announce the reason of the cancellation (e.g.: "the lack of consistency with the specialized field") and then click Confirm here.

4-2) Incomplete judgments: illustrate the list of articles that some part of their judging process has been conducted, but has not been confirmed by your final review. You can confirm these papers after a review or complete the judging questionnaire of these articles.

4-3) Approved Judgments: is a list of the judgments that have been confirmed after your final review and have been notified to the paper authors (without mentioning your name) and journal editor by the site administrator.

Topic URL in Journal of Spiritual Health website:
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