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:: Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2024) ::
J Spritual Health 2024, 3(2): 382-392 Back to browse issues page
Compilation of a Protocol for Empowering Parents in the Spiritual Health Education based on the Stages of Adolescent Development
Nasir Javidi , Hassan Abolghasemi *
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , nasir.javidi@yaho.com
Abstract:   (182 Views)
Spiritual health is one of the most important ideals of religions for the flourishing of human spiritual capacities. The basic problem that has always existed is how spiritual education is taught to people and its effectiveness, especially in teenagers. One of the outstanding challenges of this field is the lack of appropriateness of moral and spiritual education with the developmental needs of adolescents. In fact, for the desired result, spiritual education must be in harmony with the developmental needs and age stages of teenagers. Since in adolescence, the role of parents is very important in modeling teenagers, this research aims to develop protocols for empowering parents in the field of spiritual health education. Based on the results of this research, the basic concepts in the protocol meetings were developed including: Step A) Evaluation: evaluation of the state of spiritual tendencies of teenagers and parents towards spirituality, evaluation of relational problems between parents and teenagers, evaluation of the status of communication patterns between parents and teenagers, evaluation of intimacy status Emotional relationship between parents and teenagers; Step B) Description: Description and explanation of the developmental stages of children and adolescents, description and explanation of developmental needs, description and explanation of spiritual education, description and explanation of dimensions of health and spiritual health, description of the role of spirituality in reducing anxiety and tension, description of the relationship between spirituality and style Health-oriented life; c) Teaching communication skills: active listening technique, eye contact, support techniques, unconditional positive attention, avoiding judgment and blame, acceptance with a spirituality-oriented approach; d) Interactions according to the developmental needs of adolescents: how to interact with the cognitive evolution of adolescents (accepting transgenerational thoughts), how to interact with the emotional-emotional evolution of adolescents, how to interact with the physical evolution of adolescents, how to interact with the cognitive evolution of adolescents, how to interact with moral evolution teenagers; e) Spiritual concepts appropriate to the stages of teenagers: search for identity, search for meaning in life, connection with God, the concept of trust, the concept of patience, spiritual experiences, spiritual feelings. Based on the findings of this research, we conclude that it is necessary for parents to be equipped with special tools for the effectiveness of the training they give to their teenagers in spiritual matters, which is one of the important tools of communication skills to facilitate and improve parent-child relationships. And then it is the provision of training that has been given special attention in the design of this protocol. Therefore, this research has 4 main axes: 1) Effective communication between parents and teenagers; 2) Needs according to the developmental stages of teenagers; 3) Content of empowerment teachings Parents; 4) Content of spiritual health teachings. In fact, in this protocol, parents are first taught how to communicate properly with teenagers, resulting in improved parent-child relationships. This leads to improved emotional intimacy between parents and children, and a suitable platform for spiritual education is provided.
Keywords: Empowerment, Spiritual Health, Education, Developmental Needs
Full-Text [PDF 553 kb]   (109 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: Spiritual Health
Received: 2024/08/10 | Accepted: 2024/09/14 | Published: 2024/09/20
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Javidi N, Abolghasemi H. Compilation of a Protocol for Empowering Parents in the Spiritual Health Education based on the Stages of Adolescent Development. J Spritual Health 2024; 3 (2) :382-392
URL: http://spiritual-health.ir/article-1-207-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله سلامت معنوی Journal of Spiritual Health
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